Active Kids Are More Likely to Be Successful in Life

When it comes to our kids, we just want the best for them. We want them to be happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled. We do everything in our power to provide the experiences that will help them on their journey.

Giving your child the opportunity to play sports can provide a wealth of benefits and lessons that will positively influence their life for years to come, according to research by the Aspen Institute’s Project Play. Combined with an “alarming increase” in childhood obesity during the pandemic according to the CDC, it is more important than ever to find ways to stay active and play safely in and outside the home.

The physical benefits of playing sports are obvious, but did you know that sports can also have a great impact on developing children’s minds and social skills? Check out some of the ways that Amazing Athletes can help your child thrive through sports participation in one of our enrichment classes or camps.



It’s easy to get caught up in all the screens available and the millions of games that are accessible with the tap of a finger, but physical activity has proven to be the healthiest form of entertainment. Benefits range from helping to control weight, build muscle and strengthen bones, to reducing the risk of various types of cancer.



Physical activity can positively affect academic behavior when it comes to concentration, attention, as well as improved grades and standardized test scores according to research gathered by Project Play. That concept extends beyond the classroom and into the workplace as well.

“A survey of 400 female corporate executives found 94% played a sport and that 61% say sports contributed to their career success.”

(EY Women Athletes Business Network/espnW, 2014)


As kids continue to grow and develop, they will come across various challenges in life. Sports can positively affect how they react and respond to those events.

Sports-based activities and games serve as great stepping-stones for students to gain leadership skills they may not have known they had. Team challenges are also great for building up communication skills among their peers.

Self-esteem, goal-setting, and leadership are all aspects of personal development among children that can benefit from physical activity, according to Project Play. In fact, a correlation has been found between regular exercise and mental health among children in general as they continue to move into the teenage years.


As the weather cools and the days become shorter, many families may find it difficult to continue staying active throughout the year. These at-home activities help your athlete exercise for the recommended 60 minutes per day.

  • If you need some fresh air, dress warmly and take a walk or go for a jog as a family.
  • Build a playlist of your favorite songs and surprise your kids with dance breaks.
  • Work together to set up an obstacle course with pillows and cushions and then see who can finish the fastest.
  • Write down a few simple exercises like jumping jacks or lunges and put them in a hat — each day someone picks out a different submission for everyone to do (bonus points if you add silly suggestions like “walk and roar like a t-rex” or “jump up and down like a kangaroo”).

The best part of all this news? Amazing Athletes takes away many of the barriers for kids to participate in sports by bringing our acclaimed enrichment programs right to your child’s daycare, school, or at home, through our private class program. Your athlete can take the next step in their sports journey at one of Amazing Athletes’ many class and camp options throughout the year and during most school breaks. To find a program near you, visit our Locations page.

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