Amazing Athletes Golden Crescent


Policies & Procedures

Waiver & Policies BILLING Recurring Classes: Amazing Athletes classes are weekly and ongoing month to month. Enrollment will be continual unless you visit your account to cancel the registration OR contact Please note: • Billing date is the 1st of each month. • Charge will show up as Amazing Athletes on your credit card account. • Credit cards supplied at the time of registration will be charged on this date each month. • If you would like to cancel, please do so before the 1st of the month. • Classes are $15 each payable monthly. The charge will reflect the number of classes we will have that month. • IF a class falls on a holiday, we will either schedule a makeup date, cancel that class with no charge or carry it over to the next month. • Customers can access their account to control the credit card on file. • Withdraw/Pause: You may cancel your enrollment in Amazing Athletes at any time with advance notice of at least one day. To cancel enrollment, please log in to the My Account page at the top of our homepage. Once logged into your My Account page, click the blue "Actions" button beside your child’s name and select "Withdraw." Please input the date of withdrawal as well as your reason for withdrawing. Once you've alerted us to your child's last day participating, your account will remain active until the date of requested withdrawal. By enrolling your child in our program, you understand and agree that it is your responsibility to unenroll your child, not that of the Amazing Athletes staff or the staff of your child’s childcare provider. ***No refunds will be issued due to parent/guardian's failure to remove a child from our program. • If you need to pause your enrollment for an extended period, you may also click "Pause" and submit a pause request via email. Please include your pause dates and reason for pausing enrollment. • If your payment method is not updated and your outstanding balance remains unpaid after 30 days, your child will be removed from the program. Session Schools: Schools that are set up in pre-packaged 6-, 8-, 10- or 12-week sessions, will be charged a one-time flat fee covering all classes. • Refunds will not be issued if withdrawal occurs after the program has begun. ATTENDANCE & CANCELLATIONS: • Attendance: No refunds will be given for classes missed due to child absence or canceled by the hosting location. We will do our best to provide make-up classes for any classes missed due to weather or coaching absences. • Make up classes for a missed class may be held on a different day or time than the regularly scheduled class. If Amazing Athletes can provide a make-up option, refunds will not be issued. • Inclement weather: If your school is closed on an Amazing Athletes Day due to snow or other weather-related issues, we will work with your school or center to reschedule the class OR we will issue/substitute an Amazing Athletes at Home class video as a make-up for the missed day. • School conflict: If your school has to close or cannot accommodate Amazing Athletes on the regularly scheduled Amazing Athletes Day (e.g. picture day, book fair, classes on field trip, etc.), we will work to reschedule the class OR issue an Amazing Athletes at Home class video as a make up for the missed class. • Low enrollment: Amazing Athletes reserves the right to cancel the program at any time due to low enrollment. Upon cancellation, a full refund will be issued. • Child Illness: Credits will not be issued for a child's missed class due to illness or missed class. • Amazing Athletes is not responsible for any loss or damage because of a substitution, alteration, or cancellation/postponement of classes. Amazing Athletes shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event a class is canceled, rescheduled, or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence, or any other event that renders performance of classes impracticable, illegal, or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labor strike, extreme weather, pandemic, or another emergency. PAYMENT ISSUES: • Credit Card Failure- If this happens, you will promptly be notified via email. Failure to correct card failure may result in your student being held from class. • Credit Card Dispute: There will be a $25 fee for any disputed credit card transaction on a valid charge. BEHAVIOR/SAFETY: Amazing Athletes reserves the right to discontinue a student’s enrollment in the program due to safety or behavioral issues. Any unused class credit will be refunded. Class Attire: Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for class by having them wear their Amazing Athletes T-Shirt and footwear suitable for running, jumping, kicking, and more! Attendance: No refunds will be given for classes missed due to child absence or canceled by the hosting location. We will do our best to provide make-up classes for any classes missed due to weather or coaching absences. Annual Registration Fee: Annual registration fees will be due upon your initial enrollment and again each September that follows. For yearly re-enrollments, we will email 5 days prior to processing the fee and will then charge the credit card on file. The annual registration fee covers all administrative and equipment-related expenses for the year. In addition, each child enrolled in Amazing Athletes will receive a FREE t-shirt. New t-shirts are handed out each September that follows the start of the new school year. Monthly Tuition: Monthly tuition is auto drafted on the 1st of the month and covers 4 weekly classes. • If your payment method is declined, you will receive an email to update your card on file. Our system will attempt to draft payment at the end of each week throughout the month. • If your payment method is not updated and your outstanding balance remains unpaid after 30 days, your child will be removed from the program. Schedule: Amazing Athletes will not hold classes during the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Spring Break. • Session Schools – If your child’s center runs on a school year or other session schedule, our payment system will draft your account on the 1st of each month for the number of classes that will be taught during that month. For session locations, your monthly payment may vary based on the number of classes in that month. If applicable, you may also pay your session tuition in one full payment at the start of the session. • Year-round Schools – If your child’s center does Amazing Athletes all year long then we adhere to the following policy. When you pay for a month of Amazing Athletes the payment includes the standard four classes per month. Four times each year there is a five-class month. These extra classes are utilized to make up for these holiday weeks that we do not teach classes. Year-round locations are billed the same amount on the first of each month unless a child enrolls mid-month. In this case the first month is prorated. Withdraw/Pause: You may cancel your enrollment in Amazing Athletes at any time with advance notice of at least one day. To cancel enrollment, please login to the My Account page at the top of our homepage. Once logged into your My Account page, click the blue "Actions" button beside your child’s name and select "Withdraw." Please input the date of withdrawal as well as your reason for withdrawing. Once you've alerted us to your child's last day participating, your account will remain active until the date of requested withdrawal. By enrolling your child in our program, you understand and agree that it is your responsibility to unenroll your child, not that of the Amazing Athletes staff or the staff of your child’s childcare provider. ***No refunds will be issued due to parent/guardian failure to remove a child from our program. If you need to pause your enrollment for an extended period, you may also click "Pause" and submit a pause request via email. Please include your pause dates and reason for pausing enrollment. Our team will respond to confirm receipt. By agreeing to these Policies & Procedures, I, the parent/guardian (or other person authorized to register child for Amazing Athletes classes) agree that I have read these policies and procedures and will adhere to them. I also agree that it is my responsibility to un-enroll my child and any charges incurred due to my failure to remove my child from the Amazing Athletes program will not result in a refund of any fees paid.

YAU waivers and release

Youth Athletes United Liability Waiver & Release I understand and accept that my child will remain under the care, direction and supervision of the school while receiving instruction from YOUTH ATHLETES UNITED, SUPER SOCCER STARS, JUMP BUNCH, TGA and AMAZING ATHLETES, and that the practice of sports, both indoor and outdoor,involves certain risks of serious physical injury, exposure to disease or illness, and/or death. I, individually and on behalf of my child, hereby assume full responsibility and all risks for myself, my child, and other accompanying individuals in connection my child's participation in any classes, programs and activities offered by or on behalf of YOUTH ATHLETES UNITED, SUPER SOCCER STARS, JUMP BUNCH, TGA and AMAZING ATHLETES. I, individually and on behalf of my child, therefore forever waive, release, discharge, covenant not to sue and hold harmless the YOUTH ATHLETES UNITED, SUPER SOCCER STARS, JUMP BUNCH, TGA and AMAZING ATHLETES, Childcare Facility, and each of their respective owners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, predecessors, successors, heirs, assigns, location partners, media partners,associated charities, and sponsors, and each of their respective officers, directors, contractors, agents, representatives, employees, successors, assignees, and licensees (hereinafter, the "Released Parties" from any and all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited those related to injury, disability, death, and/or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of the Released Parties or otherwise, in connection with my child's participation in any Program, or any portion thereof. I agree that I will not bring or be a party to any legal action or claim against the Released Parties, or any of them, based upon or arising out of my, my child's, and/or any accompanying individual's participation in any Program, or any portion thereof, on any legal theory whatsoever (including without limitation personal injury, negligence, rights of privacy and publicity, or defamation). I further agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from any loss liability, cost, claim and/or damages arising from my, my child's and/or accompanying individuals participation in or association with the Programs, or any portion thereof, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees.

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